I have a question regarding enbaling SMS_STATUS-REPORT message with
WaveCom FastTrack Supreme modem.
Basically, I am trying to enable +CDS message delivery confirmation using
the following AT command:
AT+CNMI = 2, 0, 0, 1, 0
Accroding to the above command, if I send a SMS message from one cellular modem
to another celluar modem and, if the message was correctly delivered, then the sending modem
is supposed to receive +CDS message confirmation.
I have two WaveCom FastTrack Supreme modems, and I have enabled +CDS message confirmation
using the above command for the sending modem… After I use that modem to send SMS message to another modem
I observe that the message has been received successfuly, but the the sending modem does not
receive +CDS cofirmation.
Could you please explain me the reson for this
Alex Nozik