we have some GPS chips form GlobalTop on our boards, that do not send NMEA messages in text mode.
The response to $PMTK605 is
The messages that are received seem to be binary. But they start with 0xde 0xae in contrast to the binary mode description in “AirPrime GMM-G3, XA11xx and XM11xx Software User Guide Rev 3”. In “Software User Guide AirPrime XM/XA Series” there is no reference of the binary format.
Can someone help me to decode this format?
Trying to change the sentence type with
does not help.
Yes, I am aware that these are very old chips. Therefore I appreciate any type
of information and help.
We have an external circuit board production and they had difficulties to get
these chips. I can’t say anything about the production and reasons of the chips
firmware and their configuration.
The response to PGCMD,218,1 commands is
I quess -1 means rejected or error?
If having a look to the binary data I can not see a correspondence to the binary
format discribed in “AirPrime GMM-G3, XA11xx and XM11xx Software User Guide”
pp 76, 77.
Not really I send the command to my unit which is not as old as yours (but that should not make any difference) and it comes back with the No_change’ response and is outputting NMEA correctly. I am also confused by the non verbose response (so the -1 vs the Error/No_change) as it is not referred to anywhere.
If You want to send NMEA messages in NMEA mode, You can try to change the sentence type as below:
Step 1: Disable; switches to NMEA mode. Please refer to AirPrime_GMM_G3_XA11xx_and_XM11xx_GNSS_Aiding_Application_Note_Rev2_2 document for detail)
Step 2: Configures the module sentence type NMEA mode
Step 3: PMTK104 Full Cold Start
The response to PGCMD,218,1 commands is
-1 is mode switch fail ( Please refer to GTop One Sentence Specification-v13 document)