I saw a couple of suggestions for new features elsewhere in the M2M Studio forum but thought it could be quite good to try to keep all feature requests under one section i.e. here and that makes it a little easier for everyone to see where we believe we need to go next in the development of this IDE. So, feel free to ask!
A build option to specify files that should be compiled on every build, regardless of when they last changed.
It has been discussed how do do this here and here. The conclusion seems to be that it is not currently possible, so it would be great if it could be added in the next release.
It would be nice if you could do the following:
- Add the -fno-strict-aliasing option as a default to the compiler options (see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3071) - or fix the issue with adl_memRelease() - probably easier to set the compiler option
- Fix the parsing of %u in TRACE() macro (see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3095 )
Thanks, Dave
Call me old fashioned, but I like to use debug strings going out the uart for debugging programs.
However, when watching line after boring line scroll in the output shell, I will sometimes see a particular section of interest.
How do I stop the scrolling? I rarely read an entire manual, so I may have missed something.
If there were a PAUSE button in the shell, that would be handy.
The only way that I can get the scrolling to stop is with AT+WOPEN=0, and the results of that aren’t appealing.
Also, is there a way to abort the make process? There are more “huh?” steps in a build than I want to wait to complete to make a small change in my source.
Know what I mean? A STOP button would be handy.
More than handy - I’d say essential!
The old (non-integrated) Target Monitoring Tool certainly had this - if it’s been lost in M2M Studio, then that is definitely a seriously retrograde step and it needs to be re-instated urgently!
A Linux version! or much better (at least for the compiler) a standard source code distribution (a la ./configure, make, make install) for those ready to tinker a bit and use the SDK on other platforms (Linux, MacOS X). I for one, I would not use Eclipse, rather X-Code under MacOS. All I need is the GCC ARM cross-compiler. The only problem I see are those specific programs as e.g. DlwWin to download data onto the Wavecom module/modem, but this can be overcome by using any Linux/Unix x-modem tool (although porting DlwWin on Linux/Unix should be quite trivial; if nothing else, put the source code in the public domain, I would be one of those ready to port it to a Linux command line version).
For me, two things are most interesting for the near future: Linux version of tools (the &#!!#@ of Vista, and the threat from Microsoft of no more XP suport, has made this URGENT) and the “data” window for debbuging (in the same way, the Terminal Emulator has).
two requests;
- proper usb -> serial converter support. (how many new laptops/computers still have a serial port?)[/]
[]24 hour timestamps… (they’r now 12 hour without am/pm indication)
(oh jea, and an issue tracker… we like to be kept informed)
The OS drivers should make it invisible whether a “real” COM port is used or not.
What specific support are you thinking of?
m2m studio not crashing when a communication failure (sometimes due to disappearing of the port in question) occurs would tremendously help.
(sorry, if i sound a bit bitter over this, but it has happened a few too many times now)
and, it would be very nice if stopping the traces does not send a reset to the wavecom module…
i’m losing traces from startup after a crash like this.
the only workaround is disconnecting/connecting . but that takes too long.

m2m studio not crashing when a communication failure (sometimes due to disappearing of the port in question) occurs would tremendously help.
Absolutely - any application should handle such events gracefully; ie, without crashing.
Especially in this case, as the Wavecom USB port will disappear whenever the unit restarts…
The ability to decode the exception stack dumps and heap trace from within M2M studio into something useful would be really nice.
Also, I’ve had a few issues with memory corruption leading to exception restart recently. In M2M studio, you don’t get the first part of the exception stack dump in the traces window - so you don’t know which exception you’ve triggered. Being able to either replay the exception dump, or catch the full dump the first time round would also be useful.
ciao, Dave
Column select
Is saving traces working already? It didn’t always work in m2m 1.0.1…
It appears that OpenAT 2.21 doesn’t supply the option to install the ADL samples (among other things).
Please see this thread: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=3465 for a (rightly so) confused new user.
Can this be rectified ASAP please.
ciao, Dave
When my modem is in data mode and baudrate 300, m2m can not connect the module. Autodetectbaudrate also doesnt work at that time. When i send “+++” manually from the shell/target, i can not make the modem return AT mode. But when i send “+++” from the hyperterminal, it returns AT mode.
And when it is in baud 300, retriving information from the target cant get any info. So when the modem is in data mode, m2m can not download application to the modem.
I think it would be good if m2m could connect the module even if it is in datamode.
Add a ‘Reset’ button in the ‘Target Management’ perspective - to restart the target without having to manually type “AT+CFUN=1”
(as was present in the old TMT)
A button to start/stop the Open-AT Application (AT+WOPEN=1/0) would also be useful.

A button to start/stop the Open-AT Application (AT+WOPEN=1/0) would also be useful.
You have it by right-clicking the Application node in the target info tree…
Unfortunately it depends on the tree state, which has to be manually re-synchronized…

You have it [A button to start/stop the Open-AT Application] by right-clicking the Application node in the target info tree…
Unfortunately it depends on the tree state, which has to be manually re-synchronized…
Which is such a faff that it just goes to demonstrate that a button really is required!