Please note that all the bugs/enhancements you have reported on this forum are logged and planned to be integrated in future releases.
We are indeed proactively monitoring the forum to collect your feedback, so please just continue to post as usual.
We understand your need, and we will try to setup such a solution in the future.
Meanwhile, please continue reporting feedback through the forum or your Wavecom contact; we will continue communicating integrated bugfixes in the release notes published with every new release.
The turn-around time on issues lodged with Wavecom by our distributor can be woeful - it would be nice to know if the encountered issue had already been reported or not - and if there was a workaround…and when (if) the issue is scheduled for fixing.
I don’t mind being told that an issue will take a long time to be fixed (or may never be addressed!) - but at least let us know that the issues are under consideration.
Bugzilla is free and relatively simple to implement…
As soon as you identify a new bug/improvement on the forum, we will reply to inform you we have logged the point.
We will keep you informed when workarounds exist.
For the other points (knowing if a bug is already reported, and the schedule), we agree that an issue tracker is the best tool to handle them. As I said, the solution is under study. When the M2M Studio releases schedule will be stabilized, we will seriously consider the point.
Are you speaking just for the M2MStudio team there, or does that apply to all issues raised about anything in the Sierra Wireless Wavecom Product Line…
Actually, we are only experimenting this on M2M Studio forum, and it’s currently not planned to extend this for the rest of the product line.
After several weeks of this experience, we may reconsider this position, regarding how it has been efficient for you (users side) and for us (development team/support side).