M2M Studio 1.1.0 is available for download

Dear M2M Studio users,

M2M Studio 1.1.0 release is available for download on the website at http://www.wavecom.com/m2mstudio
For more information on this new release content, please refer to the release note at http://www.wavecom.com/releasenotes/m2mstudio/1.1.0

Notes about existing M2M Studio upgrade

  • Due to a bug in former release 1.0.2, software update feature is not available; you will have to use one of the installers provided on the download page
  • Due to another bug, it is strongly recommended to install M2M Studio 1.1.0 in a clean location; please either remove old M2M Studio from the directory if you want to use the same one, or choose another install location.

Enjoy using M2M Studio
Thanks and Regards.

Just to confirm: there’s no problem to keep an old version provided the new one is in a different folder?




No problem: you can have several M2M Studio versions installed in separated folders.
By the way, please note that workspaces and projects are converted when used by a new M2M Studio version. This mean that when you import/create a project with 1.1.0 release, it won’t be usable (anymore) by former versions (1.0.2 or older.). Off course you still can recreate the project and just import sources, but you can’t have a project (in the same folder) usable both by 1.1.0 and older versions.

Where this can be found?



I’ve just started a new Topic about that: http://www.wavecom.com/modules/movie/scenes/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3849

When debugging is launched Traces View and Remote Shell must be manually reactivated. It does’nt work properlly.
Also in debuging, new exceptions appear, in code working properlly on M2M Studio 1.0.2.

Please can you post new topics on every bug you find with this release?
Thank you in advance.

PS: when you get exceptions, please include in your post the backtrace log got from the Error Log view (Window > Show View > Other… > General > Error Log).