I tried, but it was total gibberish to me! 
It is clearly written by an Eclipse expert - but I am not an Eclipse expert, and have no interest in becoming one!
All I want to do is to get on with developing Open-AT Applications (which will sell Wavecom Product) - I shouldn’t have to be messing with the guts of the tools!
In the pre-M2MStudio days, it was all just done by the Wizard; in the previous M2MStudio release, there was a button to do it.
This is definitely a retrograde step!
Exactly - since this is so absolutely fundamental to getting any actual Open-AT work done, it needs to be made much more accessible!
Yes, that part was easy enough
The help doesn’t even show what the correct button icon is.
And what is a “repository” - why should I want one?
It asks for a name - what should I say?
The nomenclature is confusing: the button is called ‘Add Repository’ - which suggests that a ‘Repository’ is the thing that I’m creating;
But then the dialogue suggests that the “Repository” is the thing that I’m importing!
The help just says, “This repository can be either a directory, a ZIP or EXE archive” - which is unhelpful!
A “directory, a ZIP or EXE archive” could contain anything - it needs to specify that this is the Software Suite!
Again, the nomenclature is misleading!
The contect menu says, “Install selected packages” - but it is no possible to make the selection until after you have selected that option!!
So it should say, “Select packages to install”
Definitely zero out of ten for usability!