MC7700 - No LTE using SWW on win7

I have a few of the MC7700 and for some reason, the windows 7 laptop running Sierra Wirelesss Watcher will not use LTE. It only uses 3G.

Any ideas?



Can you try with the sierra wireless watcher on some other OS like windows XP.

Also try to set the access technology using AT!SELRAT command.

Set the access technolgy using AT!SELRAT=06 ,for LTE only.And try to connect using watcher.
Also try to set the access technology as at!selrat=00,automatic mode and set the mode in watcher also as automatic and check if it is getting mounted to LTE network if available.


Thanks for the reply. Tried everything you said, but nothing worked. In fact, setting the SELRAT=06 made the watcher keep “searching” indefinitely. I’m kinda bummed that I have an LTE capable card without the ability to use LTE datarates.

Any other help would be much appreciated.