M2M Studio is officially launched

On 20th January 2009, Wavecom is pleased to announce the launch of it’s first commercial release of M2M Studio.

Visit the official M2M Studio page at http://www.wavecom.com/m2mstudio to check this out:

  • 3 minute multimedia demo of the product (showing the Hello World applciation in action!)
  • Link to the forum for you to tell us what you think and what you want next :smiley:
  • Simple flyer
  • Installer (requires Java 6, version 1.6.x to be pre-installed)
  • Release note with main features summary plus known limitations
  • Play to win in the M2M Studio Frogger game (opens on Tuesday 20 January and closes on Saturday 28 February at midnight GMT)

Don’t forget to download and import the latest Open AT Software Suite SDK from the product page you are developing with, for example, for Q2687 you would first log in with your developer login, then go to http://www.wavecom.com/q2687, click “Downloads” and then expand the tree “Open AT Software Suite -> Software Development Kit -> Official Release” to download the latest version.

We look forward to seeing you all using M2M Studio and having a lot of fun as well as developing some exciting M2M products.


Jamie (on behalf of the Wavecom and Anyware Technologies product and development teams)

Note that the first maintenance release has been uploaded to the Wavecom site in the form of V1.01. Included is C++ support, Vista support and a whole bunch of other improvements and fixes.

The full release note is here http://www.wavecom.com/modules/movie/scenes/developers/index.php?fuseAction=article&rubric=developers_RN_M2M_Studio&article=developers_RN_M2MStudio_101&rubricLinks=developers.

Get the new version here: http://www.wavecom.com/m2mstudio

Keep posting your feedback in the forum here: http://www.wavecom.com/modules/movie/scenes/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3118 :smiley: