LTE parameters measurement

How to use AirPrime EM7565 to measure LTE parameters - RSRP, RSSI RSRQ ?

You can use AT!GSTATUS? command to show these values.



Thank you very much for your help. I am completely new to a solution like AirPrime - from what I understand, to use it on the Windows platform I have to install the driver, connect AirPrime via USB to my laptop and use the terminal on the COM port, or use my own application that uses communication via the serial port.​ Am I right ?

Best regards


So you can use the AT commands or for a more integrated (read involved) approach you can use the MBIM or QMI interfaces which also make this information available through API’s.



Thank You Matt

My aplication works via serial port with AT commands

But for me serious problem is how to insert SIM card into sierra wireless em7565

Can you help – maybe any picture ,





You can’t insert a SIM into the EM7565, it does not have a SIM holder.

The dev kit user guide discusses inserting a module. Alternatively you need to use a board that has a SIM interface designed onto it and that is compatible with the EM7565 pin out.

