I am trying to bring up my EM7565 device with Ubuntu 18.04 first and then eventually, I have to do the same with Raspberry Pi 3 B(Rasbian). To start with I am trying to play with the device. It is in offline mode i.e. not connected to any network. I have not yet inserted any SIM yet. So far what I can see is as below:
$ dmesg | grep -i “ttyUSB*”
[242286.496368] usb 2-1.8: GobiSerial converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[242286.496878] usb 2-1.8: GobiSerial converter now attached to ttyUSB1
[242286.497663] usb 2-1.8: GobiSerial converter now attached to ttyUSB2
Now, I am trying to issue AT commands to start talking to the device connected to my Ubuntu. So I do the below:
$ sudo minicom -s
I can issue ati command and get the below:
Manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
Model: EM7565
Revision: SWI9X50C_01.08.04.00 dbb5d0 jenkins 2018/08/21 21:40:11
IMEI: 353533100239139
FSN: UF923776240415
also, I can issue
SWI9X50C_01.08.04.00 dbb5d0 jenkins 2018/08/21 21:40:11
Apart from these two commands nothing seems to be returning anything.
For the AT command reference, should I follow this document:
41111748 AirPrime EM75XX AT Command Reference r2.pdf
or this one:
2130309_MP7xx_AT_Command_Reference.pdf ?
I can understand some of the commands would return erroneous response but apart from the above two commands I cannot even type the commands on the minicom console.
Am I using the right firmware for the device? The above one seems to me have been released on the 2018/08/21. Is this the recommended one?
Please advise.
Thanks and regards,