IP scanner on RV50

Dear all,

I am trying to figure out if I can retrieve the IP addresses of computers, that are connected via LAN to my RV50? I am connected remotely to the RV50.

I hope someone can help me with this case.

Hi @Jo_Patrick,

Welcome to our community!

You can retrieve the IP addresses of computers connected via LAN to your RV50 by going to ACEmanager: Status > LAN IP/MAC Table.

Please refer to the session LAN IP/MAC Table on https://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/airlink/software_reference_docs/airlink-rv-series---configuration-guide/#sthash.uDcvmtXW.dpbs (page 49).


Hi @jerdung,

Thank you for that. I forgot to mention that I have a switch in between the modem and the computers. I can therefore only see the switch. Is there a way to look past it?

Thank you

Hi @Jo_Patrick,

If you are near the computer you mentioned, try using it to ping the IP of the RV50. Then, go to ACEmanager: Status > LAN IP/MAC Table and check if the IP addresses appear.
