I am trying to store a sms in the memory whit CMGW!


I am trying to store a sms in the memory whit CMGW but I can´t get it to work any ide?

Regards /Jörgen

wm_strcpy(Buff, “AT+CMGW=”");
wm_strcat(Buff, tel_nr);
wm_strcat(Buff, “”\r");
wm_strcat(Buff, param0);
wm_strcat(Buff, “\x1A”);
adl_atCmdCreate(Buff,TRUE, (adl_atRspHandler_t) my_sms_response_handler,"*",NULL );

You should wait a minute, before writing the content of the short message. It means that you should wait for the response “>”, before writing the short message.

The ‘>’ prompt tells you that the unit has accepted the initial parameters, and is ready for you to enter the body of the message.

This is implicit in the description provide in the Wavecom AT Command manual, but Siemens add the following explicit note in their documentation:

The GSM spec says:

The implication in “after that text can be entered” is, of course, “before that, text cannot be entered”! 8)

All the GSM Specs area available for free download at: