AT response to send as an SMS


     I am using wm_strGetParameterString api for gettting the response data for AT+CSQ  command and storing it in a Buffer.After this i want to sent the response as an SMS. I am able to get the SMS but it is empty . Can anyone explain what is the problem.
void Signal_stn( u8 ID, void * Context )

                    adl_atCmdCreate("at+csq\x1A", ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE( ADL_AT_UART1, TRUE ) ,(adl_atRspHandler_t)ADC_Response_Handler, "*", NULL);


        bool ADC_Response_Handler( adl_atResponse_t *paras )

        	int i=0;
        	ascii * ptr;

        	ptr = paras->StrData;

        //  adl_atCmdCreate("at+csq\x1A",  ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE( ADL_AT_UART1, TRUE ), (adl_atRspHandler_t)Signal_stn, "+CSQ: ", NULL);

           wm_strGetParameterString ( Buffer_SS,  paras->StrData,1);
          //adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r\Timer timed out\r\n");
         // adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_RSP, "\r\inside signal38r\n");

          return TRUE;


First observation: why are you terminating the AT+CSQ command with \x1A :question:

Please re-post that code with a legible layout - the indentation is all over the place and, therefore, it’s really hard to follow!

You need to uses spaces, not TABs, for indentation.

Also, please remove the commented-out sections - they just confuse the issue.

Hello awenil,

        I  am just trying to send the response for the AT command AT+CSQ ie)  +csq: 22,0 as a SMS to a mobile number. In my code when displaying the value of buffer Buffer_SS through adl_atSendReponse is displayed as 22 but when im trying to send the value as an SMS it is received empty.

For this code im getting only the SMS “SG=” can u help me.

ascii  Buffer_ST[100];

     void Signal_stn( u8 ID, void * Context )
                    adl_atCmdCreate("at+csq", ADL_AT_PORT_TYPE( ADL_AT_UART1, TRUE)                            ,(adl_atRspHandler_t)ADC_Response_Handler, "*", NULL);               

        bool ADC_Response_Handler( adl_atResponse_t *paras )

                 int i=0;
                 ascii * ptr;
                 ascii  Buffer_SS[20];
                 ptr = paras->StrData;
                 wm_strGetParameterString ( Buffer_SS ,ptr ,1);     
                return TRUE;



       void adl_main(adl_InitType_e InitType)


No - your code is still illegible!