hi Friends,
I am new to this forum and GSM.I need code for sending sms can pls anyone help me.
hi Friends,
I am new to this forum and GSM.I need code for sending sms can pls anyone help me.
Start by reading the document, Getting Started with Open-AT - the clue is in the name!
This tells you how to install the tools
Then read the Tutorial for Open-AT - this takes you through building & running a simple “Hello, World” application.
Then look at the supplied sample applications - these include examples of sending SMS, and much more…
Hi kavithakg,
After read all documents that awnei told you, try to run the code below. It is a very simple SMS example.
Good luck !!!
PI Componentes - Gustavo M. Nunes
Objetivo: Mandar e receber SMS
1) Cria um comando chamado "at+sndsms" para mandar SMS
2) Mostrar na tela os dados recebidos no SMS
Antes de ler esse exemplo, leia os seguintes exemplos:
1) AtComV1
1) Guarda infos da mensagem na Flash
2) Verificar se tem mensagens nao lidas
Data Criacao: 30-Dez-2005
Ultima Atualizacao: 30-Dez-2005
#include "adl_global.h"
/* Mandatory variables */
/* wm_apmCustomStack */
/* wm_apmCustomStackSize */
u32 wm_apmCustomStack [ 256 ];
const u16 wm_apmCustomStackSize = sizeof ( wm_apmCustomStack );
/* Local variables */
s8 Handle; //Usado para SMS Subscribe
ascii buff[250]; //Usado para armazenar SMS recebidos
/* Function : tmrHandler */
/* Object : Mostra o texto do SMS recebido */
/* */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* ID | | | | ID do timer */
void tmrHandler(u8 ID){
//Mostra a variavel "buff", que foi preenchida na funcao SMSHandler
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, buff );
/* Function : SMSHandler */
/* Object : Essa funcao é executada toda vez que o modulo receber um */
/* SMS */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* SmsTel | | | | # do telefone do remetente */
/* SmsTimeLength | | | | SMS time stamp */
/* SmsText | | | | Texto do SMS */
bool SMSHandler (ascii *SmsTel, ascii *SmsTimeLength, ascii *SmsText){
//Armazena o numero do telefone e a mensagem na variavel "buff"
wm_sprintf(buff, "\r\n+SMS: %s\n\r%s\r\n", SmsTel, SmsText);
//Dispara um timer de 1 seg
return TRUE;
/* Function : SMSCtrlHandler */
/* Object : Eventos de controle do SMS, essa funcao é executada toda */
/* vez que algum evento de SMS ocorre */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* Event | | | | Eventos do SMS */
/* Nb | | | | Complemento do evento */
void SMSCtrlHandler (u8 Event, u16 Nb){
case ADL_SMS_EVENT_SENDING_OK: //SMS enviado ao destinatario com sucesso
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\n\rADL_SMS_EVENT_SENDING_OK\n\r" );
case ADL_SMS_EVENT_SENDING_MR: //SMS enviado a rede da operadora
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\n\rADL_SMS_EVENT_SENDING_MR\n\r" );
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\n\rSMS Error\n\r" );
/* Function : AtSndSMS */
/* Object : Mandar SMS */
/* */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* paras | | | | Paramentos do comando */
void AtSndSMS (adl_atCmdPreParser_t * paras)
ascii * phone;
ascii * text;
char msg[20];
//Capturar os parametros do comando
phone = ADL_GET_PARAM(paras,0);
text = ADL_GET_PARAM(paras,1);
//Manda o SMS
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_RSP, "\n\rOK\n\r" );
/* Function : SmsInit */
/* Object : Inicializacao dos seviços SMS */
/* */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* | | | | */
void SmsInit()
//SMS Subscribe
Handle = adl_smsSubscribe(SMSHandler,SMSCtrlHandler,ADL_SMS_MODE_TEXT);
//AT Subscribe
//Mensagem de retorno
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "\n\rServico SMS iniciado !!\n\r");
/* Function : SimHandler */
/* Object : Eventos do SimCard */
/* */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* Event | | | | Eventos do SimCard */
void SimHandler (u8 Event){
//Normal Events
case ADL_SIM_EVENT_PIN_OK: //PIN Code correto
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "PIN Ok\n\r");
case ADL_SIM_EVENT_REMOVED: //SimCard foi removido
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "PIN Removido\n\r");
case ADL_SIM_EVENT_INSERTED: //SimCard foi inserido
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "PIN Inserido\n\r");
case ADL_SIM_EVENT_FULL_INIT: //SimCard foi totalmente iniciado
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "SimCard iniciado !!\n\r");
SmsInit(); //Inicia as funcoes do SMS
//Error Events
case ADL_SIM_EVENT_PIN_ERROR: //PIN Code incorreto
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "PIN Incorreto\n\r");
/*Erro quando se e necessario inserir o PIN Code
Por comandos AT, insera o PIN Code usando
AT+CPIN="xxxx", onde xxxx e o codigo de 4 digitos*/
adl_atSendResponse ( ADL_AT_UNS, "Entre com o PIN Code\n\r");
/* Function : adl_main */
/* Object : Customer application initialisation */
/* */
/* Variable Name |IN |OUT|GLB| Utilisation */
/* InitType | | | | Application start mode reason */
void adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType )
//Inicio da aplicacao
adl_atSendResponse(ADL_AT_UNS, "\n\rInicio da aplicacao\n\r");
//Sim Card
Yeah!! SMPP Server should have its focus on creating personalized and custom solutions for customers for empowering their business communications and for providing an affordable platform for interacting with thousands of individuals within a very short span of time.