How to download code to wavecom Q24 module?

What is procedue for downloading code to wavecom Q24 series module???
Whether it will require development kit downloading the code or we can download
it by using Open AT IDE over RS-232.

Thanks and Regards,

To download OpenAT application through HyperTerminal.

You will see the following response

+WDWL: 0
--> Dollar Sign

Please go to TRANSFER -> send files
Select protocol -> XModem

Browse for the OpenAT application “.dwl” file and press send button

Once process is complete reset the module by issuing AT+CFUN=1.

Then Start the application using AT+WOPEN=1.

Hi Sunil,
Thanks for your quick response.
What are the accessories required for programming the Q24 module?? [Connector type]

Thanks and Regards,

Hi SamarP,
For programming Q24, you must install OpenAT SDK rev3… You can get it free from wavecom forum or distributor.

Not necessarily. Just for downloading, you can use Hypoterminal or anything else that supports XMODEM.

To develop applications you will, of course, need the SDK.

Part numbers are given in the Product Specification - which is the datasheet for the module!