i am beginner to developer studio tool. I am using Open_AT_Application_Framework_v2-51_Full_Installer downloaded from sierra site. I am using SL6087 wit XM0110 module for tracking purpose. Can you please guide me how to develop code for getting lat long from gps. I connected SL6087 with XM0110 using i2c,so can you send me the code for start the gps and gprs services.
There are lots of material available for location tracking:
Please also refer to sample code included in SDK, location library or Extended AT Application.
In the given shall i check How-Tos & code samples this alone?
Also can you tell me how to reach location library or Extended AT Application in SDK.
In Developer Studio, New an Open AT project and in “Target Platform Configuration”->“Package selection”, tick “location library” and “Extended AT Application”
Then, you should find new sample application available for selection, namely GPS_AT_cmd, SimpleSample and ExtendedATApplication.
You can based on them as starting point for your tracking application and please also refer to related materials for info.
Have fun.
I am using SL6087 with XM0110 through I2C communication. Shall i use the Code for GPS that available in Developer Studio, New an Open AT project and in “Target Platform Configuration”->“Package selection”, tick “location library” and “Extended AT Application”-> SimpleSample alone or need to combined with the following files GPS_AT_cmd and ExtendedATApplication also as a single module for GPS.
For this I2C communication i need to include I2C code also? i.e here I2C driver code is need?
Both sample code allow you to get Latitude and Longitude, the only difference is Extended AT Application comes with Internet library (WIP) support, so this maybe a good fit for your design.
Please refer to material comes with the library and have few minutes to read the resource available at developer zone to start.
I am using SL6087 with XM0110 through I2C communication. Shall i use the Code for GPS that available in Developer Studio, New an Open AT project and in “Target Platform Configuration”->“Package selection”, tick “location library” and “Extended AT Application”-> SimpleSample alone or need to combined with the following files GPS_AT_cmd and ExtendedATApplication also as a single module for GPS.
For this I2C communication i need to include I2C code also? i.e here I2C driver code is need?
if i choose Extended AT application through New an Open AT project and in “Target Platform Configuration”->“Package selection”, tick “location library” and “Extended AT Application”-> Extended At application in this way i am getting the following files also ethernet driver, GPS_AT_Cmd_Lib,JVS lib,JamsoftLib,networkScan,new.
Can anyone explain what purpose those file are needed?