Is there a new firmware planned for the HL78 module which will support the CAT-M2 ?
Is there a new firmware planned for the HL78 module which will support the CAT-M2 ?
According to this link
If I’m not wrong, “CAT-M2” in your words means NB1 technology, right? If yes, HL78xx device already supports NB1 technology. Detail you can refer to here
Sorry,my question are for NB-IOT cat NB2, not NB1
As the introduce of the HL78xx module from Sierra Wireless
This kind of module will support CAT-NB2 as part of 3GPP Release 14.
And so far as I know, this feature is being developed by SW and will be introduced soon. By the way, can I know what network will you use for CAT-NB2?
Hi Donald
We would test all new feature introduced by the release 14 in ours lab on a Amarisoft network.
I come back on this topic :
When SW will produce firmware for HL78 with NB-IOT cat NB2 capability ?
Hi philippe.surbayrole ,
The HL7812 supports NB-IOT Cat NB2. Please refer to the below link for more information.