GX450 Flashing Issues

I am attempting to flash working firmware/radio firmware to a GX450 with an MC7354 module inside it. Upon completion of a flash, the device shows the following lights: Power-Solid Green, Signal-Flashing Red, Network-Flashing yellow. When I go to the Software and Firmware page of the device, I see the Radio Module Identifier as “NOT SET.” If I attempt to apply the appropriate firmware for my carrier (U.S. Cellular - MC7354_05.05.58.00_GENNA-UMTS_005.025_002.iso) the device appears to update (starts flashing a rainbow LED race), then after reboot returns to the original LED pattern (Power-solid green, Signal-flashing red, Network-flashing yellow). I also cannot activate pre-loaded firmware from the device successfully. Please help!

Hi @adam.brown

According to the AirLink GX450 Hardware User Guide, it is mentioned that signal ‘Flashing red’ indicates “No Signal” and Network ‘Flashing Amber’ indicates “No service”.

Please unplug your GX450’s power cable and wait about 30 seconds then plug it again. After gateway power up, please check the radio firmware version and update the radio module firmware again.

Can you take a screenshot of “Radio Module Firmware” and “Software and Firmware” on your GX450?