GX400 firmware upgrade problems


I have bunch of GX400 (ROW HSPA+ models) which have quite old firmwares.
I decided to get them up-to-date and ran into problems with first two.

First had 4.2.1 and other 4.3.0
To get to 4.4.0 I should go trough upgrade path 4.3.2 -> 4.3.2a -> 4.3.3 -> 4.3.4 -> 4.4.0
In some stage I should be prompted to Radio firmware upgrade also.

I installed the from ROW HSPA+ updatepack ( Filename says “InstallMeFirst…”)
After upgrade I proceeded to 4.3.2a.010 “InstallMeSecond”

Upgrade fails with error “Cannot install firmware invalid RM FW version”

My current radio module FW versions are:
T1_0_1_1AP R309 CNSZXL00000015 2011/01/21 18:28:30
T1_0_3_2AP R361 CNSZXD00000061 2011/04/15 17:40:48

In the updatepack there is RM FW file MC8705_OSM001_T1043D.bin, but I can’t install it since it fails with error “Bad file”
Any Ideas?


MC8705_OSM001_T1043D.bin is required in order to continue the upgrade process.
Try performing a restore defaults on your modem before continuing, to ensure there are no settings in place.
Also try performing the updates including the radio module T1043D update through various web browsers, Firefox, IE 11( and try in compatibility mode IE 8/9 )

If the issue continues, you may want to contact your reseller.


I have identical problem. Radio Firmware Version is T1_0_3_2AP R361 CNSZXD00000061 2011/04/15 17:40:48
and should be compatible for ALEOS_Software_4.3.2a.010_InstallMeSecond.
If trying, wrong rm version is informed.

If trying to program MC8705_OSM001_T1043D, bad image is given.

So I’m stuck to have ALEOS_Software_4.3.2.009_InstallMeFirst version.

Why this is so hard?
Do I need to drop Sierra totally or is there a way to make it safe and have a latest fw’s installed ?
Any help?
