Which Open AT version are you using ? And where you using eDLib internet plugin librairy with your Q2406 ?
Cause that’s maybe the problem as with Open AT 3.1X (i.e. 3.12, 3.13, …) you CANT use eDLib ! You have to replace it with WIP librairy.
Ok then, if you are only using AT commands, this is not the problem as the AT commands are the same… (but if you want to know which Wavecom firmware is in your module, use ATI3 command and if you want to know which version of Open AT goes with this firmware, use AT+WOPEN=2)
Your problem looks more like a none enabled GPRS service. Maybe the GPRS service is not enabled in your module (or if you changed the SIM card, the new one is maybe not GPRS enabled). But i dont know how to verify if the GPRS service is enabled or not with AT commands. Maybe the best is to ask your Wavecom distributor… or look in your AT commands interface guide. (if i see something about this i’ll let you know !)
Not really… as i told you, if you only use AT commands, the firmware and the Open AT version is not important…(at least in your case)
Yes, Q24 Plus does support GPRS. But the feature has to be enabled…
But maybe i can help you more if you tell me what error you receive while GPRS initialization (as you said that was the problem, you should receive an error code)
Ok, this is not AT+ commands, but AT#… i’m not sure, but i think AT# commands are related to Open AT internet plugin (like eDSoft).
Are you sending the AT+WOPEN=1 to the Q24 Plus module ? If not, try to send AT+WOPEN=1 before the AT# commands (but the AT# commands are maybe different between eDSoft ans WIP, but it is surely documented)
I think I am encountering the same problem right now. I saw somewhere in the forum saying ‘use AT+WCFM=5 to check whether the IP stack is already built in’. If it returns 1 means yes. 0 means not’ For my case, it returns ‘+WCFM:00000000’.
Someone can confirm ‘the IP stack not built in’ for me?
I found the Wavecom document is really well protected, very difficult to dig information, not like Siemens or other brands.
And I tried AT+WIPCFG=?;AT+WIPCFG?;AT+WIPCFG=1; all returns me ‘ERROR’.
How should I proceed?
Forget to mention my OS and firmware version,
657_09gg.Q24PL001 1954500 102706 18:44 from ati3
+WOPEN:2,“AT v03.12” from at+wopen=2
ERROR from at#vversion
I think you need to contact your Wavecom distributor… Maybe they can send you only the WIPSoft file (but i dont think so…). If not, you will have to send back your modules to receive new ones with WIPSoft installed.
Hi all, to use AT commands fot TCP you have to download special program in your module
+WOPEN: 2,“AT v03.12”,“AT v03.12”
this means that some programm is in, but is it WIPSoft program? Ask yours distributor for this special program. And ask your distributor to clear you in this question, they have to know it.
+WOPEN:2,“AT v03.12”
means that there is no ambedded application.
Last time I was able to connect to Internet but the connection closed after a few kB of transfered data. (we then used the Q2406 for that product)
Now I am trying to use the Q24 Plus on a new product and I am unable to connect to GPRS. The problem is with command “AT+WIPBR=4,6,0” because I don’t get the reply “OK” and GPRS bearer doesn’t start.
Here are my GPRS initialization commands:
<<< there shoud be “OK” here according to the documentation >>>
+WIND: 15,3,"+08",4,“08/06/13,06:44:09+08”,6,“1”
+WIPBR: 6,0
If I try to start the GPRS bearer again (“AT+WIPBR=4,6,0”) I get no response…
Hi all,
WIPSoft is a embedded application that written by Wavecom to support customer do not need to develop their own appl, they can use WIPSoft to make the GPRS connection and TCP/IP communication easily by AT command. WIPSoft was supported for Q24 series and Q26 series, and it is free, so you can contact with Distributor to get it.