I would like to know what is this file and if this file is absolutely required or not to correctly upgrade the firmware on Fastrack Xtend FXT009.
Actually, I do not download this file on my Fastracks and I would like to know if I’m wrong or not.
For Fastrack Xtend FXT009 delivered in firmware initial version 7.43, is there any need to update the w.dwl file when upgrading modems to firmware version 7.47.4 ?
When upgrading an FXT009 with the Developer Studio (update both bootloader and firmware files), is the w.dwl is automatically updated or not ? Because there is no section about this file in the Developer Studio, in the Status property page.
In teh developer studio,when the firmware file along with the bootloader file is downloaded,firmware file is the full binary file i.e. firmware file for specific module +w.dwl file.
Here is a solution with Developer Studio:
Open the Packages Manager and download Open AT Application Framework package
In the Target Management, connect your FXT009.
In Bootloader section, click the update button and select the corresponding bootloader to update the FXT009.
In Firmware section, click the update button and select the corresponding firmware to update the FXT009.
Check out the Help of Developer Studio : Developer Studio User Guide / Target Management / Download.