I have little progress, I find that the default on IoT expansion slot is connected with UART 2 then:
I chenged UART2 mode to: AT!MAPUART=17,2
In file Component.cdef changed to: [rw] /dev/ttyHSL1 /dev/ttyHSL1
In function: tty_fd = open("/dev/ttyHSL1", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
Now I can send chars to the UART 2 and observe on Tx my sended chars, but the speed is incorrect is about 4 000 000 bps no 19200.
Unfotunetly I find next problem with GPIO service when I change UART 2 mode, my application report the error:
Jan 6 00:02:22 | gpioService[538]/sysfsGpio T=main | gpioSysfsUtils.c ExportGpio() 106 | Failed to export GPIO 47. Error Operation not permitted
Jan 6 00:02:22 | gpioService[538]/sysfsGpio T=main | gpioSysfsUtils.c gpioSysfs_SessionOpenHandlerFunc() 1061 | Unable to export GPIO gpio47 for use - stopping session
I finds some information on forum about muxCtrlService but I dont know how to use this on FX30 gateway
Please any help.
Let us know if you have already found out new information about the FX30 IOT slot.
Regarding your speed problem:
I use both cfsetospeed() & cfsetispeed() on termios structure or you can also use this new legato API: legato.io/legato-docs/latest/c_tty.html