FX30 firmware

Hi again,

I’ve tried to re-install firmware on the FX30 using the standard WP85XX image from http://source.sierrawireless.com/resources/legato/wpfirmwarerelease/,
but while it runs on the FX30 it doesn’t map to the peripherals ( IOT card, ethernet and serial - we have a few variants of FX30 ). It was a useful exercise, at least I know now :blush:

Where can I get a copy of FX30 firmware from, as it’s not on the source ?

You can contact your distributor for firmware.


fyi, firmware now available from source:

source.sierrawireless.com/resou … -firmware/

Hi All,

What is the release plan of the FX30 firmware releasing? Can we expect and update shortly after the WP releases? It is kind of lagging behind…


Hi All,

Does somebody have an update on this? R15 is already out and FX30 has still the R13.


Hi Tom,
The FX30 release schedule will always be behind the WP schedule since the FX30 customizations need to be added on top of the WP.

R14 should be available very soon.
