Fastrack Supreme 10 with Hyper Terminal


I’m sorry if this has been answered in the forums before.

I have used Wavecom Fastrack M1203A/WM14080 module with hyperterminal without any problems. But I can’t get the supreme 10 working.
I use the same DB9 to DB15 Serial Cable that I have used with the M1203A and the same settings 115200-8-N-1 Flow control: hardware. There’s no connection, can’t type the AT commands.

I have tried to change the com1 settings of my computer to 115200-8-N-1 but It doesn’t help (9600-8-N-1 was the default setting, and the setting what I used with the MI203A module)

What should I try?

Thank You


Probably your FSU is broken. Maybe firmware update will help. But for that you should contatct your distributor, if you have no answer from the module you wiil need to use DWLWIN and cable with BOOT and RESET signal brought out.

This wavecome thing is not main field, but once a while I come a cross equipment with these Fastrack modules.
So I would need a little more information about this firmware update. I know what you mean but how does it work in practice. And what is FSU?

Only thing I do with these things is change the baudrate for the customers via the at commands. Ofcourse if there’s some other way to do it, let me know.

Thank you


FSU is Fastrack Supreme :smiley: .
To download firmware to dead modem you need DWLWIN software, proper firmware files (different than for Xmodem) and mentioned cable with RESET, BOOT and GND signals brought out. It is possible that recover will not be possible but it is worth to try.
About that soft and instructions you should as you distributor. You should also ask distributor about warranty in case of such upgrading firmware, there is risk of losing it by doing it yourself.

The problem isn’t just with one FSU (thanks for clarifying :smiley: ) I have a bunch of these and can’t get them work.