list Band 48 as a supported one by EM7565.
Our interoperability testing with the module doesn’t confirm this. Is there any procedure to get Band 48 enabled?
Thank you!
Hi, first you need to query if band 48 is supported on the module by at!band=? then set band by at!band, refer to page 22 of this document:
Please tick “Solution” if it answers your question
All units rolling off our production line now have B48 enabled by default.
In the early days of EM7565 FCC had not approved the regulations around CBRS hence we had to completely disable the bands upon which it worked (42, 43 and 48). When they were approved we enabled them by default in production and produced a one click updater to enable them on these early units.
You will need to go through your commercial channel to get hold of the one click updater.
Thank you @mlw! We bought the units last week from DigiKey, so I suppose, they shall support Band 48
Thanks, @cherokee, for the advice! Looking through the document
I would expect so, unit turnover at Digikey is quite high so I would expect them to be recent and have it enabled.