Download boot progrma for WPM100

Are there any instruction how to power up WPM100 first time, or how to download boot up code?

Refer to the WMP100 Development Kit User Guide page 55. You can download it from



If you refer tyo WM DEV WUP UGD 001 Rev2, then I did nor see instruction. I foud some instructions in WMP100_Open_AT_Software_Suite-Customer_Design_Guidelines.pdf. There is a chapter regarding first download when flash is blank, but there is also the reference to some wavecom specific software.
The problem that I have the following I am troubleshooting the new PCB with blank flash and there is no responds on AT command. I am not sure if WMP100 has build in hardware boot, or I should load boot code in order to start using AT command?

You need to download the DWLWIN tool with the latest firmware, in order to proceed to the first Firmware download. This will make your target working.
This download must be performed over UART1. You also need to control the Boot and Reset pin of the WMP100.

Then, you will be able to run AT commands.

Wavecom support told me you also need the USB dongle that came with development kit
installed on the PC that runs DWLWIN-it’s a security issue.
Eddie :open_mouth:

In summary, for the very first ever download:

  • On the PC, you need DWLWin and the USB Dongle (security key);
  • On the Target, you need to use UART1 and the BOOT pin and the RESET pin

After this first download:

  • you will be able to use AT Commands - including AT+WDWL;
  • you will be able to use DWLWin without the dongle

You can get away with leaving out the reset pin and just cycle power to the unit. It makes life easier if you have 1V8 available to pull up your BOOT pin to initiate the download though.

I had a funny the other day: I was downloading the firmware onto a WMP100 for the first time (first time for that unit, not me :smiley: ) using DWLWIN and the connection between the PC and the target was interrupted. The WMP100 suddenly started drawing >1A of current, and got hot! I immediately disconnected it from the power, but now when ever I plug it in, it draws big current and gets hot. It also won’t communicate with DWLWIN anymore. I guess one of the IO ports or something is corrupted and something is shorting to ground inside the WMP100. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

Only once before, usualy the boot code will let you re-flash but I think there is a critical point somplace that, if you loose power, it latches a bunch of outputs high and they are test pins you usually tie to GND, I now use it as a pocket warmer on cold days :slight_smile:
