I downloaded my new program version yesterday and try it on my demo board. The program was working on the d.b. Today i want to continue my work but the demo board/connection is making reset/connect all the time
+WIND: 1
+WIND: 7
+WIND: 3
+WIND: 13
and i can’t do anything!.
In the target versions i get notice : Archive not valid or not found
Stack version: ţď|hó
In the trace ( among the others ) i get:
23 [ADL] Gpio Single Write 0 : -2
1 Current OAT Task index : 0
ARM Data Abort at 000ABDC8, Current Task 0x1B
What should i do? Should i delete whole target app? How?
Hardware reset and boot are not working.
I downloaded the code, that i have tested and used min. 10 times before,to the demo board and now i have this situation:
Program is downloaded to target without errors.
I make init and reset in the TMT and the target starts to blink ( gsm and one switch LED ). This blink is running constantly and the target is making reset each second.
I can not run any command and i can not make download.
I try with dwlWinTool but as replay i get:
Hardware reset and boot are not working.
Is there other way to erase the flash ?
Strange if you didn’t change anything in your code. Did you use the software update feature implemented in the TMT? When i tried it was painfully slow and the status bar was quite funny as the download progressed so i suggest hyperterminal or jan’s nice program. see here for more info:
Yes, but this is not the problem ( my epinion ). The code was compiled without errors and warnings and the download was success.
The same code is working for some time now and i have download it ( before i have used TMT ) with ttwin. There was no crc or other errors.
Yes, and it did not work. The version is 4011. Then i have plugged the USB cable (by the way, serial cable is checked and OK ) and unplugged the serial cable. After computer and demo board restart i was able to pass the gcc_Hello_world.wpb file to the board.
Then i have repeated the proccess with serial cable. It was OK and as result i get:
Erase: all checked
RAM size: 1024 Ko
Flash size: 4096 Ko
Flash type: ST 32Mib M58WR
Process successful
Download completed on Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:25:56
I restarted the board manualy ( per switch ), but its all the same.
GSM and switch LED are lighting and there is no way to run some command or to make download ( i get error: modem not detected or the port not ready ) but the TMT is showing connection.
I think that this must be hardware problem (maybe elec. discharge ) ?
Anyway, if you have idea how to solve this, please let me know !
I am having similar problem. I got the new eval kit board. I connected with USB/Serial port connection with my laptop. I was getting AT prompt response ‘OK’ correct. Then I started downloading latest firmware 663c00_full_q2687h_W11.dwl. The download got stuck at 36% and evntually aborted. I restarted downlowd again. Then the board was not able to for recognize the serial port. Auto detect was prompting “no match”. In the terminal I was not getting any response. I tried dwl.dwl download and I was getting “Modem not detected or port not ready” error.