I have a Q2686. I have downloaded an application to the wireless CPU. When I executed AT+WOPEN=1 something strange ocurred:
-The Charger Led (red one) and the Flash-Led (green one) start blinking very quik. In the “Product Technical Specification” of Q2686 says that it means that the software downloaded is either corrupted or noncompatible.
But the problem is that I can’t communicate with the CPU. The AT commands doesn’t have response. I tried AT+WDWL but I have no response. The reset do nothing. I power off the supply but when I power on the situation is the same (the leds doesn’t stop blinking).
Maybe if I use the DWLWIN for downloading a new application, but I think that it cannot connect with the target.
What can I do to stop the leds and establish communiction with the Wavecom CPU?