CGPS Feature not activated


I have a WAVECOM FASTRACK SUPREME 10, the one that comes with a GSP antenna, a USB port and a Serial port.

It is my understanding that this modem has a build-in GPS chip and after trying for many hours I finally managed to download ads_SimpleSample_256KB.wpb.dwl to it.

However, when I try to start the ads_SimpleSample_256KB.wpb.dwl application I get:

GPS Sample: Application Started
GPS Sample: CGPS Feature not activated

  1. How do I activate the bloody CGPS Feature on a WAVECOM FASTRACK SUPREME 10 ?
  • Some other less important questions -
  1. Shouldn’t it be already activated when I bought the danm thing?
  2. Does anyone know if it is it possible to use the USB port for GSM AT commands and the RS232 for receiving NMEA strings from the same device?
  3. Is it possible to program the device to send SMS messages with the NMEA GPS data every 5 min?
  4. Does anyone know a good programmer on OPEN AT that I could “charter” to assist me implenet No 4 ?
  5. Why it is so bloody difficult to find the proper software for this hardware - I mean I had to hack the installation process and search my Temp folder just to find the USB driver inf file and then I have been looking all over Google for the WdlWin program.
  6. Does WAVECOM support this hardware?

Many thanks.


That would be a question for your Distributor.

If you ordered (and paid for) this feature, your Distributor should have enabled it before shipping it to you…

It should be - but if you have the GPS card (“IESM”) doesn’t that give you UART2 to use for the GPS…?


Yes! 8)

Where are you based?
What is your budget?

I don’t know - see: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2160&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

Wavecom supports its products via its Distributors