I cannot progress the next step, when I use the DwlWIN tool for flash eraser.
The tool has an error message that “Cannot establish the communication with the wireless CPU and stops.”
Moreover, there is “local dongle expires : never” message in DwlWin Advanced tab.
How can I slove this problem?
What are the exact steps you follow to download the firmware ? If you
can post it here , it can be pointed out if you are doing something wrong.
Are you using USB- Serial converter, try using a different one.
I solved this problem. It was a DWLWin version problem.
I downgraded the DWLWin version, it’s working well
i have same problem install wipsoft, when i start DWLWin the message status
“Boot failure : cannot connect with the target”
“cannot boot up the remote target giving up”
i am using fastrack extend FXT009 , it doesn’t have AT+WIP on at command.
after i read this forum, this modem must upgrade wipsoft.
fisrt i’m using DWLWin --> failed
then version --> failed too
what DWLWIn version do you use?
If you are trying to download the wipsoft.dwl file , you can use hyperterminal to download it. Issue AT+WDWL command , then click on transfer tab ,click on send file .In the brrowse tab give the location where the wipsoft.dwl file is located then click on send.
After the download is complete, issue the command AT+CFUN=1 to reset the module and then issue the command AT+WOPEN=1.
After this you will be able to issue WIP commands.