Hello folks, i have poblems and i cannot find the solution.
adl_atCmdCreate problem still exits for me. The handler does not receive the answer! I’ve just made a test. I made a AT+COPS=? command with the CmdCreate function. Normally the answer arrives in 30 sec. After the CmdCreate function i made a simple “AT” command from HyperTerminal on UART1. The OK was received, but the AT+COPS handler never received the answer. I experienced this problem using OAT 3.02 and 3.10.
I am porting a program from 3.02 to 3.10. In 3.10 RTE the UART2 does not work. The program slows down like the snail, and almost stops after a time. If i don’t use UART2 this problem does not occure. In target mode it seems to work of course. In 3.02 i had not problem with the same source code. I really can’t find the solution, i tried almost everything. It seems to me that the slow down cames after i switch to data mode on UART2, even if i don’t send or process data on it.
Every comment is welcomed!
1 - Cmd create and COPS
I do the test and all is good.
I wait the complete SIM initialisation and i use the soft below. the function
ADL_ATCmdCREATE is to have a trace for each command create used.
The response is receive in several pieces, and each time the rsp function is called.
FUNC void ADL_ATCmdCREATE (ascii * commande, bool Rspflag, bool (* Fct_Rsp_Handler) ())
u8 buf_loc[ 255 ];
wm_sprintf ( buf_loc, "ADL_ATCmdCREATE : %s",commande );
TRACE (( 2, buf_loc ));
adl_atCmdCreate ( commande, Rspflag, Fct_Rsp_Handler, "*",NULL);
FUNC bool Rsp_COPS_Handler(adl_atResponse_t * paras)
ascii *rsp;
ascii *sauv_rsp;
ascii *trace;
TRACE (( TRACE_LEVEL_FCT, "Embedded Application : Rsp_CMGF_Handler" ));
rsp = ADL_memGET(paras->StrLength);
sauv_rsp =rsp;
wm_strRemoveCRLF(rsp, paras->StrData, paras->StrLength);
FUNC void my_adl_main ( adl_InitType_e InitType )
2 - UART 2
We have the same problem and at this time the Wavecom response is that the TMT doesn't work correctly with UART 2 for 3.10 but the same code in target mode will be run normaly. Do the test and hold us informed. Thanks
Hello pascalbrun,
Thanks for the answer!
Have you issued an AT command from phisycal UART port after the cmdCreate function and before the answer arrived? Normally i get the answer, too.
The cmdCrate function is called at Open-AT virtual port by default in OAT 3.10. The explenation is quoted:
Was there a problem?!?! 