Bandwidth Issue

Have a GX440 installed with an IP Camera trying to stream video out from a remote location. The bandwidth seems to be really slow and very few frames per second. There are other similar cameras up in the area getting great frame rate, any ideas on modifications in the programming.

IP Address Preference 0
AT Network State Network Ready
AT Cell Info CellInfo: TCH: 5230 RSSI: -42 LAC: 29184 CellID: 29295363
AT Current Network Operator Verizon Wireless
AT Radio Technology LTE
Network Service Type 4G
AT Signal Strength (RSSI) -42
LTE Signal Strength (RSRP) -72
LTE Signal Quality (RSRQ) -14
LTE Signal Interference (SINR) -1.4
AT Channel 5230
WAN/Cellular Bytes Sent 135077586
WAN/Cellular Bytes Rcvd 3035597
Persisted WAN/Cellular Bytes Sent 5882283067
Persisted WAN/Cellular Bytes Rcvd 123278239

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Are the other cameras connected to the same cell? IE: LAC and CellID are the same? Cellular data throughput can vary wildly between cells depending on the backhaul and tower saturation so it could simply be that the tower this particular node is connected to is experiencing saturation issues and reducing the available bandwidth. If you’re able to run some ping tests from the various GXs, that may shed some light on the issue as well. You’d also want to confirm that the local LAN connection from the IP Camera to the GX is solid. Look for any Ethernet statistics on the IP Camera and the GX, checking for speed/duplex mismatches or CRC errors. Confirm both devices are configured for Auto or force both sides to static Ethernet configs and if CRC is incrementing, could be a bad cable/poor contacts.
