AT+GPSinit is not working

I have a FXT009 with GPS+I/O extention card and i’m trying to read GPS data from a GPS antenna that pluged into the module. i have downloaded the location laibery.
i’m following the simple sample example from the user guide and i got stucked.
I’m getting all the time AT+GPSevstart:0 and not AT+GPSevstart:1, i think that my AT+GPSinit command is not right although I get an OK response.
Please let me know what i’m doing wrong here, or how can i get the GPS data easily…

at+gpsinit=1,1,2,22,20,65535,65535,1,20 and its not working… or any at+gpsinit=1/10/12/13.
please help

Location library is compatible only with XM0110. GPS expansion in FXT009 is not based on XM0110. I think it is Opus 1 (it should be mentioned on the expansion card). You should use C-GPS Opus I Library 1.07.

using fxt009 + fxt001 (cgps-opus-1)
is there any way to send gps coordinates when using io 21.
for example connect push button to io 21 and when press it the gps coordinates will be sent to a specific number via sms.
thank you,


You would have to write an Open-AT application to do that.

Is there someone who can write such software? I will pay him…
my email is:

thank you,
