Application for firmware upgrade

Is there any Linux application (Not SDK process and SDK lite) or method available to upgrade firmware ?

HI srikant ,

We think that there is no such linux application to upgrade the FW.
However you can follow this below mentioned link and download windows executables (*.exe) to upgrade the FW

Thanks and Regards,

Hi srikant,

I used qmi-firmware-update to update the FW of my MC7455, it worked well. You may need to compile a recent version of libqmi yourself, though. Iā€™m using 1.18.0. The command I used was

qmi-firmware-update --update -w /dev/cdc-wdm0 SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06.cwe SWI9X30C_02.24.05.06_GENERIC_002.026_000.nvu


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