I want to interface the Airprime Q2687 with XM0110 GPS module. Is there any information out there on the hardware/software interface.
Doesn’t anyone know about this…
Is there a better option, just use another GPS module, but then need another serial connection from my MCU
Have you check this doc?
Which cover both SW, AT and XM0110 daughter board, but you can also find HW connection and schematic info.
Thanks Louis
That helps a lot. Don’t know if you got my e-mail. I’ll post it here as well.
I’m currently doing my thesis at Stellenbosch University. The topic is a
bicycle tracker that should have been placed in the shaft of the bike.
Luckily for me I could change the topic to fit it anywhere( I would have
loved to make it fit inside, but time and experience is limited).
I’m going to use the Airprime Q2687 GSM module(tinyurl.com/ln9gwlg)
with a XM0110 GPS module.
I only need to give the GPS co-ordinates and be able to check the bicycle
speed. I need to create a dashboard on the trinity(air vantage) site and upload those
As far as I know I can program the Q2687 to do just that using the Developer Studio.
( without a MCU,I was thinking on using Atmega328P chip and program
it with my Arduino UNO). What is best to program it and for debugging, USB or serial interface
tl;dr - Can I program the Q2687 to calculate data from gps and send it to the airvantage platform
- Program via USB or SERIAL RS232
If you have the option (and don’t need ALL the I/O on the Q2687), have a look at the Q2698 - it’s got the GPS module built in which should save you some time laying out the circuit board, and is 3G rather than 2G
You can do the whole project (including the connect to airvantage) inside the Q2698 using OpenAT and Developer Studio. If you want to experiment (or can’t get the hardware together in time), have a look at using the FXT100 - it’s a Q2698 inside an aluminium enclosure. I’ve been using these with a client in a tracking application.
Any of the Q26 range can do what you want without requiring external MCUs.
ciao, Dave
Agree with Dave, it is easier to use FX100/Q2698 which has GPS support built-in so to minimize hardware design.
It is also OK to use Q2687 with XM0110, GPS calculation is already in OpenAT Location library so it works either way without external MCU and you can easily send the info to the cloud using Internet library.
Pay attention to gps_pvtPosition_t structure which give you various location info (e.g. latitude, longitude, x/y/z-coordinate, speed).
You can also check the sample code available in location library for reference.
Hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for the help. I have talked to Louis,David and Pierre in PM’s. Will post a summarized post about their solutions and keep most of the Q&A’s here and any other information.
- Current question is the battery power supply
- Has anyone used the embedded sim (E-SIM), know how to work with it and set it up…activate? with a carrier. I need to use MTN. Is it depended on them. I know they advertise M2M with E-SIM on their website
Will post the summary asap. Just got to get some lunch first. Late night or should I say early morning, too much coffee, and early meetings.
Brb. You guys are life savers ( how do I link your names right
I’ll response here in stead of PM to share the info.
I’m not really a hardware guru - I’m in charge of developing OpenAT apps. However, like I said in an earlier PM: Providing a stable power supply is really important with the GSM modules. You must be able to provide 2A and the power supply ripple must be within the spec (there is a graph in the SL6087 doc with ripple vs processor frequency, not sure about the Q series). Much better to connect the battery directly to VBATT. The charging circuit must obviously also be ablo to provide 2A at low ripple, while charging the battery - we did with a power path management circuit.
Regarding you programming question: We only use UART1 for programming. I’ve never used the USB.
I’ll second Pierre’s comment about teh Power Supply. The Q2686 I use can require bursts of up to 2.1A at 4V in bad reception areas. And the rise time is critical - the best way is to supply the module off a low-impedance LiIon battery and have a separate charging circuit. Q2686 had a LiIon charging cct built in, the Q2698 doesn’t (sigh).
As far as USB goes - it’s almost a must for the Q2698 - as it’s the only way to recover firmware if something goes wrong (using the binary CWE files), and it is significantly quicker than serial (5min vs 20+min @115200 baud). It’s also quicker for doing application downloads when you’re developing software.
Note that the interface/ESD hardware requirements for the USB port are different between the Q2686 and Q2698 (hard experience talking here!). You need to have a close look at the PTS before laying out any hardware.
Otherwise, should be fairly straight-forward. You should be able to get a unit down to the size of a large box of matches including battery and GSM antenna (I’ve sources some GSM antennas that are 40x50mm flat panels). Only issue is the GPS antenna - check if you need to provide power to the GPS antenna…
ciao, Dave
It is a very Frequently-Recurring Problem - just try putting “FAQ Power Supply” into the ‘Search’ box…
Finally have everything working, well sorta. The PC picks up the Q2686 via the USB but only as a Network Adapter. It doesn’t provide me with a COM port to program it. Is there a problem with my drivers on the PC? Or is there special set up on the Developer Studio?
I did bring out the UART1 pins to program it via RS232( got a level shifter laying around somewhere). Hope I can get the USB to work.
I got it to work, for some reason when installing the drivers that comes with the Dev Studio it messes things up, installed the drivers separately and everything worked. Having a bit of trouble getting uploading an application. Will post the problem elsewhere.