XMODEM Binary Allocation Error

First the module is working correctly after somedays only I got the error message as mentioned below
I have a problem to download dwl file for GPS_AT_cmd and ExtendedATApplication through hyper terminal.
I am doing following steps
In hyper terminal set Baud rate = 115200
First I downloaded dwl.dwl file its downloaded successfully.
Second I downloaded w.dwl file its downloaded successfully.
After I downloaded R7.51.0_sl6087.dwl file its downloaded successfully.
After I downloaded GPS_AT_cmd.dwl file for that only I got the error message as “Transfer Cancelled by remote system” and also “XMODEM binary allocation Error”.
For ExtendedATApplication also I received the same error.
Can anyone explain me what is the problem here? I have only one module, so I can’t able to check any other module. I ahd attached the screen shot also


Please try the following :

1)After downloading the firmware, Reset the module. Then download the application.
2)Are you able to perform the steps(firmware and application download) successfully using Developer Studio?
