I am trying to power up my WP7700 running on a MangOH Red for the first time. I have followed the instructions in mangOH_Red_GSG_(Windows).pdf very carefully and when I type CM radio the output includes the following lines:
Power: ON
Signal: No signal strength (0)
for the first few minutes it shows:
Status: Not registered but currently searching for a new operator
then it starts showing:
Status: Not registered and not currently searching for a new operator
then it stays there
I have verified that the antennas are plugged in the right slot as specified in 3.3 item 3. I have tried re-seating the antenna connection.
I have verified the switch settings: 1,3,5,8
I have waiting 20 minutes.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Where are you located? Do you know you have LPWA network coverage? If you are in Europe then there are a select few locations across the continent where NBIoT has been deployed and to attach you need to have a special SIM. If you are in the US then you may well have LTE M from AT&T/Verizon but again I suspect yyou will need a special SIM card.
I would perform a manual search for a network using AT commands as follows.
From within the kernel connect to the AT port using the microcom terminal using the command ‘microcom /dev/ttyAT’. Alternatively you can send commands from a terminal on your host system through the AT port (windows, whatever port it is indicating, Linux it will be /dev/ttyUSB2). Then send the following command ‘at+cops=?’, this will take a couple of minutes to complete. If it just returns OK (which I suspect will be the result) then it has not found any networks.
Thanks Matt,
I ran the at+cops=? and it came back immediately with OK.
I am located in Edmonton, AB and I am using the SIM card that came with the WP7700.
I have been told by Telus that they have implemented an LTE-M service in all of Alberta, but I do not know what the sim card is trying to connect to.
cm sim info
shows blank for Home Network Operator and phone number.
So the WP7700 is a Cat M/NB IoT only device, if at+cops=? is not showing any network (i.e. coming back with OK and nothing else) then I would say you do not have coverage, this is independent of what the unit mayor may not be trying to connect to.
Alberta looks like a pretty big place (although you are in one of the two main cities) to say you have covered the whole of it.
With regards the SIM card you are using (once you can see a network).
There aren’t really any roaming agreements setup between operators, especially operators like Sierra yet for the LPWA networks.
Most of the LPWA networks will need a specific profile on them to be able to work which again I suspect our SIM will not have i.e. you cannot use a normal Vodafone SIM on the NBIoT network in the UK (not that they have deployed NBIoT yet).
You really need to get hold of a Telus SIM card for this.
Which manual are you talking about? I have looked at the mangOH red one and it does not go as far as section 6.
Re the information itself, the coverage/deployment/roaming situation is different for each region/territory/country and could change at very short notice making it difficult to keep up to date. It is really what the forums are for to discuss what you are seeing and what might be the problem is as it could well have been something completely different.
Which manual are you talking about? I have looked at the mangOH red one
and it does not go as far as section 6.
Re the information itself, the coverage/deployment/roaming situation is
different for each region/territory/country and could change at very short
notice making it difficult to keep up to date. It is really what the forums
are for to discuss what you are seeing and what might be the problem is as
it could well have been something completely different.