wmmake error #30

Hello everyone,
I’ve recently ran into this error today after trying to build a project. I’ve never seen it before and it just happened today. I’ve changed nothing software or hardware wise between today and yesterday. Yesterday this project worked fine and compile correctly. The full error is:

Loading Open AT IDE…
Loading project settings…
c:/OpenAT/IDE/IDE/1.04.07/data/wmlib.sh: line 248: /bin/date: Permission denied
c:/OpenAT/IDE/IDE/1.04.07/data/wmlib.sh: line 255: /bin/date: Permission denied
c:/OpenAT/IDE/IDE/1.04.07/data/wmlib.sh: line 248: /bin/date: Permission denied
c:/OpenAT/IDE/IDE/1.04.07/data/wmlib.sh: line 269: [: -gt: unary operator expected
c:/OpenAT/IDE/IDE/1.04.07/data/wmlib.sh: line 449: .osrc: No such file or directory
[wmmake error #30] Required API (ADL) is not supported by the selected Open AT OS.

I am currenly using Open AT OS 4.22.00 and open AT Firmware 663b10.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Looks like a Cygwin problem. Can you open an Opena AT IDE Command Line and type ‘date’? Does that work?

It appears worse than i originally though. Apparently I caught a virus called win32.sality. My anti-virus software caught it when running the /bin/date program. Doing research on the virus I found the only solution was to back up my files and do a complete system install. Bad news is I had to do a complete system install :cry: good news is that I have everything up and running again :smiley: .