i recently started working 2686, and i am not able to build in target mode.
Microsoft visual C++ Version 6.0
OpenAT version 2.12.
i am getting this
--------------------Configuration: hello - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
Loading Open AT IDE...
Loading project settings...
Building gcc_hello_256KB project...
Launch a full library or binary process
Copy all needed library and object files
Make links C:/OpenAT/OS/6.11.01/ADL/gcc_wmadl_6. ../out/gcc_wmadl_6.
Make links C:/OpenAT/Plug-ins/WIP/5.00.2050/WIP/gcc_wmwip_5.00.2050.lib ../out/gcc_wmwip_5.00.2050.lib
Make links C:/OpenAT/Plug-ins/WIP/5.00.2050/WIP/gcc_wmwipSoft_5.00.2040.lib ../out/gcc_wmwipSoft_5.00.2040.lib
... Link step in progress ...
... Link gcc_hello_256KB.bin ...
Extract gcc_hello_256KB.bin from gcc_hello_256KB.axf (or from gcc_hello_256KB.elf if Gcc ARM compiler is used)
Update symbol file -> ../out/s
Compress gcc_hello_256KB.bin to gcc_hello_256KB.wpb for DWLWIN application
... Make TMT directory ...
Make links ../out/s ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s
Create ../out/tmt/config/DiagnoseTips.ini
Create ../out/tmt/config/MokaWatches.ini
Create ../out/tmt/config/RemoteDefs.ini
Create ../out/tmt/gcc.wks
No remote trace file found
Create TMT archive file
ls: cannot access ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
Make an archive file for TMT application
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/zip_tmt.zip)
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s64k
zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/e2p.h
adding: backtraces.axf (176 bytes security) (deflated 73%)
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: s (176 bytes security) (deflated 68%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: DiagnoseTips.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 87%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: MokaWatches.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
adding: RemoteDefs.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 74%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size =
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
Rename ../out/tmt/zip_tmt.zip ../out/tmt/gcc.zip
Keep only the TMT archive file in ../out/tmt
Remove ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
Remove ../out/tmt/sys_ftr.ho
Remove ../out/tmt/wm_ftr.ho
Remove ../out/tmt/remtrace.csv
Remove ../out/tmt/backtraces.axf
Remove ../out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
Remove ../out/tmt/remtrace_full.csv
Remove ../out/tmt/symbolfiles directory
Remove ../out/tmt/config directory
... Create binary in X-MODEM format from gcc_hello_256KB.bin ...
Add a checksum to gcc_hello_256KB.sgt
(AddCheck Version v2.0.4 Copyright (c) WAVECOM) [Feb 14 2003, 15:50:57]
Time modified : Thu Feb 05 17:12:25 2009
... Build gcc_hello_256KB.dwl ...
Cleaning temporary files (*.tmp / *.trc)
Generation done with SGT v1.2.20oat
Binary files created :
Binary files in Xmodem format :
Compiler keyword : gcc_arm
Compiler release : GCC ARM
C compiler path : C:/OpenAT/IDE/GCC/
ASM compiler path : C:/OpenAT/IDE/GCC/
customer release : gcc
Name of the current directory : gcc
Log file : ../out/gcc_hello_256KB_status.log
Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.1 glory 1.5.23(0.156/4/2) 2006-12-19 10:52 i686 Cygwin
Build an X-MODEM binary : 'gcc_hello_256KB.wpb.dwl'
... Convert gcc_hello_256KB.wpb in X-MODEM format ...
... Build gcc_hello_256KB.wpb.dwl ...
AXFshrinker Version ( Aug 23 2002 , 17:44:58 )
updating: backtraces.axf (176 bytes security) (deflated 73%)
updating: s (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
[wmmake error #1] Build error.
Error executing c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe.
hello - 2 error(s), 4 warning(s)
in Myproject/rte/ only vc6 folder is created no objects folder and rte configuration settings file is seen.
if any further information required, then surely will…can anybody tell me where am i going wrong exactly.
the application is sample hello world application.
thanks & regards,