Wmmake error


i recently started working 2686, and i am not able to build in target mode.
Microsoft visual C++ Version 6.0
OpenAT version 2.12.
i am getting this

--------------------Configuration: hello - Win32 Wismo_Target--------------------
Loading Open AT IDE...
Loading project settings...
Building gcc_hello_256KB project...
    Launch a full library or binary process
    Copy all needed library and object files
 Make links C:/OpenAT/OS/6.11.01/ADL/gcc_wmadl_6. ../out/gcc_wmadl_6.
 Make links C:/OpenAT/Plug-ins/WIP/5.00.2050/WIP/gcc_wmwip_5.00.2050.lib ../out/gcc_wmwip_5.00.2050.lib
 Make links C:/OpenAT/Plug-ins/WIP/5.00.2050/WIP/gcc_wmwipSoft_5.00.2040.lib ../out/gcc_wmwipSoft_5.00.2040.lib
... Link step in progress ...
... Link gcc_hello_256KB.bin ...
    Extract gcc_hello_256KB.bin from gcc_hello_256KB.axf (or from gcc_hello_256KB.elf if Gcc ARM compiler is used)
    Update symbol file -> ../out/s
    Compress gcc_hello_256KB.bin to gcc_hello_256KB.wpb for DWLWIN application
... Make TMT directory ...
 Make links ../out/s ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s
 Create ../out/tmt/config/DiagnoseTips.ini
 Create ../out/tmt/config/MokaWatches.ini
 Create ../out/tmt/config/RemoteDefs.ini
 Create ../out/tmt/gcc.wks
 No remote trace file found
 Create TMT archive file
ls: cannot access ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access ../out/pro-lib.bin: No such file or directory
    Make an archive file for TMT application
 zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
zip error: Nothing to do! (../out/tmt/zip_tmt.zip)
 zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
 zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/s64k
 zip warning: name not matched: ../out/tmt/symbolfiles/e2p.h
  adding: backtraces.axf (176 bytes security) (deflated 73%)
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
  adding: s (176 bytes security) (deflated 68%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
  adding: DiagnoseTips.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 87%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
  adding: MokaWatches.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
  adding: RemoteDefs.ini (176 bytes security) (deflated 74%)
current zip file comment is:
[Binary Information]
Stack Version = Open-AT
Customer Version = gcc
Binary Name = pro-lib.bin
Size = 
Date = 020509
Time = 00:00:00
enter new zip file comment (end with .):
 Rename ../out/tmt/zip_tmt.zip ../out/tmt/gcc.zip
 Keep only the TMT archive file in ../out/tmt
 Remove ../out/tmt/e2p_csn.cso
 Remove ../out/tmt/sys_ftr.ho
 Remove ../out/tmt/wm_ftr.ho
 Remove ../out/tmt/remtrace.csv
 Remove ../out/tmt/backtraces.axf
 Remove ../out/tmt/backtraces64k.axf
 Remove ../out/tmt/remtrace_full.csv
 Remove ../out/tmt/symbolfiles directory
 Remove ../out/tmt/config directory
... Create binary in X-MODEM format from gcc_hello_256KB.bin ...
Add a checksum to gcc_hello_256KB.sgt
(AddCheck Version v2.0.4 Copyright (c) WAVECOM) [Feb 14 2003, 15:50:57]
Time modified : Thu Feb 05 17:12:25 2009
... Build gcc_hello_256KB.dwl ...
Cleaning temporary files       (*.tmp / *.trc)
 Generation done with SGT v1.2.20oat
 Binary files created :
 Binary files in Xmodem format :
 Compiler keyword     : gcc_arm
 Compiler release     : GCC ARM
 C compiler path      : C:/OpenAT/IDE/GCC/
 ASM compiler path    : C:/OpenAT/IDE/GCC/
 customer release      : gcc
 Name of the current directory : gcc
 Log file             : ../out/gcc_hello_256KB_status.log
 Release of the environement : CYGWIN_NT-5.1 glory 1.5.23(0.156/4/2) 2006-12-19 10:52 i686 Cygwin
    Build an X-MODEM binary  : 'gcc_hello_256KB.wpb.dwl'
... Convert gcc_hello_256KB.wpb in X-MODEM format ...
... Build gcc_hello_256KB.wpb.dwl ...
AXFshrinker Version ( Aug 23 2002 , 17:44:58 ) 
updating: backtraces.axf (176 bytes security) (deflated 73%)
updating: s (176 bytes security) (deflated 67%)
[wmmake error #1] Build error.
Error executing c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe.

hello - 2 error(s), 4 warning(s)

in Myproject/rte/ only vc6 folder is created no objects folder and rte configuration settings file is seen.
if any further information required, then surely will…can anybody tell me where am i going wrong exactly.

the application is sample hello world application.

thanks & regards,

[i]Hi Priya…

Tell me are you able to compile any other sample application…???
I feel that the problem is with the Environment variables not given correctly on your My computer properties…
Since cmd.exe is available in the SYSTEM32 folder which is present in SYSROOT folder and not in WINDOWS folder…

Hope this helps…
:slight_smile: [/i]


I am not able to build even hello world application. after installation the first project got created and built, later no other project, and any changes made in first project are also not upgraded. the dwl that is generated is the first old one. Always it is giving wmmake error #1.
The path of cmd.exe is c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe.

wish to get a solution for this…

thanks & regards,

[i]Hii Priya…

Have you tried checking the IDE settings …???
Also after checking the settings , try to open the project through Open AT Project Wizard once more… and while compiling the project, first delete everything from the “out” folder i.e. use “CLEAN” and “REBUILD ALL”…

hope dat helps… !!! :slight_smile:[/i]