Wip command receives error response

I am sending at+wipcfg=1 command by using in the following format
adl_atCmdSend( “AT+WIPCFG=1”,( adl_atRspHandler_t ) ATCmdSend_Response_Handler,
“*”,NULL );
but i am getting response as error for this.

i have downloaded dwl.dwl,w.dwl,R7.51.0_sl6087.dwl,GPS_ATcmd.dwl,ExtendedATApplication.dwl these file in my SL6087 module.

Wheteher the format which i am sending at command is correct?

and i am not gettin any CME error just i received “ERROR” for wip command i sent.
can you guide me

You already have a thread open on this very issue:
