I use a Q2686 with FW 663 and OAT 4.22a.
That’s how I connect to the internet: (it won’t surprise you much)
res = wip_bearerOpen(&InternetBearer, "GPRS", InternetHandler, NULL);
// I handle possible errors here
if (res == OK)
res2 = wip_bearerSetOpts(InternetBearer,
WIP_BOPT_LOGIN, ApnSet.user,
// Here I will call wip_bearerStart and so on...
ApnSet is a constant and I always connect to the same mobile network. This code works 90% of the time.
Now here is the problem: Once in a while i get res2 = WIP_BERR_PARAM (-26). From there on I have no chance to “recover” from that “state”. Closing the bearer and executing the code above again doesn’t help, I will get the error again.
Two questions arise:
1- Why do I get a WIP_BERR_PARAM at all? Since my I am registered in the GSM network AND the GPRS network with my one and only operator, using always the same APN…
2- When I get it, what can I do about it? So far only a good old AT+CFUN=1 helped.
Maybe you have experienced something similar and could help me out. I sure could use a hint or two.
Thank you,