Where's the DWLWIN?

Hello there,

Can anyone help me??? I can´t find the “DWLWIN.exe” in the wavecom’s page and i want to update my Fastrack Supreme 20 to the latest Firmware, because i’m having troubles while downloading aplications in the m2m studio.

I already checked up the “Download´s Tab” but the dwlwin.exe isn’t there… just the file “R74a00-cus-q26-01.wpk”.

Any ideas??? Has someone the link or even the file (.exe)??? I really need it :frowning:

Forget it… I already found it, but for future references, it is here:

  1. Log in
  2. Go to the Products’ tab, than Fastrack Supreme
  3. Click on the Downloads’ tab
  4. Click on the link named “Archives”
  5. Tools -> DWL WIN (GSM)

Aaaaaaaand got it

Cheers :mrgreen:

I agree that the accessibility of all the downloads is very poor!

This is something that really needs to be sorted-out in the forthcoming “re-vamp” - see: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4214

for the Q2686, i have no trouble getting it.
don’t even have to go to the archives