The latest firmware download shown for the Q2686 is: R7400-cus-q26-02.wpk
But the latest AT Commands guide is only: AT_Command_Interface_Guide_Open_AT_FirmwareR7.2.pdf
So where is the R7.4 guide
(and the R7.3 guide, too, for that matter)
The latest firmware download shown for the Q2686 is: R7400-cus-q26-02.wpk
But the latest AT Commands guide is only: AT_Command_Interface_Guide_Open_AT_FirmwareR7.2.pdf
So where is the R7.4 guide
(and the R7.3 guide, too, for that matter)
And the Release Note for R7.4 just says, “Under construction” !!
How can it be possible to make a Firmware Release with no Release Note available?!
Where did u look …??? check in the Q26 Extreme Downloads section in Wavecom site and i am sure you will find it…
I looked under Q2686.
You’re right - I did!
But I’ve looked again under Q2686 - and it’s still not there!
When Sierra Wireless have finished changing the colours on the website they can hopefully get on to sort out this mess!
I found my copy inside the OpenAT 2.30 exe bundle.
This is basically the same info that was installed by previous versions of Oasis/OpenAT (2.20 and before). I suspect that this is all installed under the M2M studio installation - but it’s so deeply buried in the Eclipse structure that I gave up looking. In my opinion, it would be nice if this stuff (at least the docs and samples) was also installed by the wavecom installer.
ciao, Dave