Wavecom GSM-Q2403 no GSM connection

Hi, I’ve got a GSM-Q2403 which is not making any connection. The SIM card works fine in another modem (Insys GSM Small 2.0). When I put the same SIM into the Wavecom modem, I get:

Apparently very old hardware, even though we just purchased it from RS components last week:

LED is solid red, the manual indicates this means “Standby (registered to the net)”. It was previously blinking, not sure exactly when it went solid. the modem is apparently not in a power down mode:

The Modem is not in a sleep mode

4.13.3 Defined values :
<pas> 0 ready (allow commands from TA/TE)
1 unavailable (does not allow cmds)
2 unknown
3 ringing (ringer is active)
4 call in progress
5 asleep (low functionality)

The unit is apparently not registered on the network:

6.3.3 Defined values :
<mode> 0: Disable network registration unsolicited result code (default)
1: Enable network registration code result code +CREG : <stat>
2: Enable network registration and location information
unsolicited result code +CREG: <stat>,<lac>,<ci> if there is a change
of the network cell.
<stat> 0 : not registered, ME is not currently searching a new operator
1 : registered, home network
2 : not registered, ME currently searching a new operator to register to
3 : registration denied
4 : unknown
5 : registered, roaming

And so it can’t get a signal strength:

Windows Modem connection manager cannot make a connection through this modem, even though the exact settings (unchanged other than swapping the modem) worked with the Inysy modem:

11-23-2017 17:38:25.750 - File: C:\Windows\system32\tapisrv.dll, Version 6.1.7601   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.751 - File: C:\Windows\system32\unimdm.tsp, Version 6.1.7601   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.751 - File: C:\Windows\system32\unimdmat.dll, Version 6.1.7601   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.752 - File: C:\Windows\system32\uniplat.dll, Version 6.1.7600   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.753 - File: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\modem.sys, Version 6.1.7600   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.753 - File: C:\Windows\system32\modemui.dll, Version 6.1.7600   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.755 - File: C:\Windows\system32\mdminst.dll, Version 6.1.7600   
11-23-2017 17:38:25.755 - Modem type: Standard 33600 bps Modem
11-23-2017 17:38:25.755 - Modem inf path: mdmgen.inf
11-23-2017 17:38:25.755 - Modem inf section: Gen336
11-23-2017 17:38:25.755 - Matching hardware ID: mdmgen336
11-23-2017 17:38:25.756 - Opening Modem
11-23-2017 17:38:25.757 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
11-23-2017 17:38:25.757 - Initializing modem.
11-23-2017 17:38:25.757 - DSR is low while initializing the modem. Verify modem is turned on.
11-23-2017 17:38:25.761 - Recv: <00>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.762 - Unknown Response
11-23-2017 17:38:25.829 - TSP(0000): Making Call
11-23-2017 17:38:25.962 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.963 - Recv: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.963 - Command Echo
11-23-2017 17:38:25.967 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.967 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:25.977 - Send: ATE0V1<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.979 - Recv: ATE0V1<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.979 - Command Echo
11-23-2017 17:38:25.983 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.983 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:25.993 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.997 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:25.997 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:25.998 - Waiting for a call.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.008 - Send: ATS0=0<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.012 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.012 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:26.013 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
11-23-2017 17:38:26.013 - Initializing modem.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.013 - DSR is low while initializing the modem. Verify modem is turned on.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.023 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.027 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.027 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:26.037 - Send: ATE0V1<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.043 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.043 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:26.053 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.057 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.058 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:26.058 - Dialing.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.058 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x00010164) Status 0x00000000
11-23-2017 17:38:26.058 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DIALING
11-23-2017 17:38:26.058 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_PROCEEDING
11-23-2017 17:38:26.068 - Send: ATDT*##***##<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.080 - Recv: <cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.080 - Interpreted response: Informative
11-23-2017 17:38:26.080 - Recv: <lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:26.080 - Interpreted response: Informative
11-23-2017 17:38:26.081 - Recv: CONNECT
11-23-2017 17:38:26.081 - Interpreted response: Connect
11-23-2017 17:38:26.081 - Receive Connect but CD was low, Waiting for signal to go high
11-23-2017 17:38:26.101 - CD has been raised
11-23-2017 17:38:26.101 - Connection established at 115200bps.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.101 - Error-control off or unknown.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.101 - Data compression off or unknown.
11-23-2017 17:38:26.101 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED
11-23-2017 17:38:29.366 - CD dropped--Remote modem hung up. ModemStatus=00000010
11-23-2017 17:38:29.366 - While processing CD dropping, CTS or DSR was found low.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.366 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_DISCONNECTED(0x1)
11-23-2017 17:38:29.367 - TSP(0000): Dropping Call
11-23-2017 17:38:29.367 - Hanging up the modem.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.372 - Recv: <cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.372 - Interpreted response: Error
11-23-2017 17:38:29.373 - Recv: <cr><lf>NO CARRIER<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.373 - Interpreted response: No Carrier
11-23-2017 17:38:29.382 - Send: ATH<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.387 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.387 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:29.387 - 115200,8,N,1, ctsfl=1, rtsctl=2
11-23-2017 17:38:29.387 - Initializing modem.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.387 - DSR is low while initializing the modem. Verify modem is turned on.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.397 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.401 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.401 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:29.411 - Send: ATE0V1<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.416 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.416 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:29.426 - Send: AT<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.430 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.430 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:29.430 - Waiting for a call.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.440 - Send: ATS0=0<cr>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.444 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
11-23-2017 17:38:29.444 - Interpreted response: OK
11-23-2017 17:38:29.444 - Detected DSR drop while monitoring for calls. Likely modem turned off.
11-23-2017 17:38:29.444 - TSP(0000): LINEEVENT: LINECALLSTATE_IDLE
11-23-2017 17:38:29.444 - TSP Completing Async Operation(0x00010264) Status 0x00000000
11-23-2017 17:38:29.445 - TSP(0000): Closing Call
11-23-2017 17:38:29.454 - Session Statistics:
11-23-2017 17:38:29.454 -                Reads : 24 bytes
11-23-2017 17:38:29.454 -                Writes: 20 bytes

Any clues on how to get this modem to work with Windows?

I have a private APN, but that shouldn’t have any effect at this stage of connection. The Insys modem can connect OK, and I can ping another device in the same private pool.

Thanks for your help,

Extremely old indeed!!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Is there actually 2G service in the area :question:

What is the response to AT+COPS=?

If you do AT+WIND=16383 and then restart, what +WIND: indications do you get?

It’s a very long time ago, but AFAIR the solid LED meant that it could not register to the network … :question:

Well, purchased brand new from RS components just last week.

I severely doubt it. :neutral_face:
I think you’re onto something here… I’ve just checked the datasheet that came with it, and it doesn’t specify 2G/3G/anyG…
But the “modem installation guide” that came with it shows how to “Access internet via GPRS/EDGE/HSPDA”




Power off then on

+WIND: 3
+WIND: 13
+WIND 13
+WIND: 1

+CSQ: 99,99

+WIND: 4
+WIND: 10,"SM,0,"FD",0,"ON",0,"EN",0
+WIND: 11,,,,,"FD7A30FA0E6F1DFBD9D101B983CDC6E6",

+CSQ: 99,99


15.3.3 Defined values :
1 (bit-0) : Hardware SIM Insert / Remove indications (Rack open/close) or SIM presence after software reset
2 (bit-1) : Calling party alert indication
4 (bit-2) : Module is ready to treat AT commands (except phonebooks, AOC, SMS), but still in emergency mode.
8 (bit-3) : Indication that the module is ready to treat all AT commands, at the end of init or after swapping to ADN in case of FDN configuration
16 (bit-4) : Indication that a new call identifier has been created ( after an ATD command, +CCWA indication)
32 (bit-5) : Indication that an active, held or waiting call has been released by network or other party
64 (bit-6) : Network service available indication
128 (bit-7) : Network lost indication
256 (bit-8) : Audio ON indication

So this:

That is not a standard Wavecom modem!

It’s made to look a lot like one - but it isn’t:

  • Wrong logo strip
  • wrong power connector
  • wrong serial port connector

Pretty sure that HSDPA hadn’t been invented at the time of the Q24

I think you’re going to have to take this up with “Quasar UK”

Please set AT+CMEE=1 to get the extended error information.

+WIND: 3 = ready for AT commands (with exceptions)
+WIND: 13 = SIM Rack closed
+WIND 13
+WIND: 1 = SIM inserted

+WIND: 4 = ready for all AT commands
+WIND: 10,"SM,0,“FD”,0,“ON”,0,“EN”,0 = phonebook reload status
+WIND: 11,“FD7A30FA0E6F1DFBD9D101B983CDC6E6”, = phonebook checksum

Agreed, but the chipset still identifies itself as Wavecom:


 MULTIBAND  900E  1800

I looks very much like one of those chinese knock-off modems that keep appearing on ebay…



That thread is from 2007. I just read some more of it and, even back then, I was saying that the Q2403 was long obsolete :exclamation: