Hi as per topic subject, I have an openvpn server with multiple client MP70’s connecting to it via cellular. I have one site where I need the VPN established over the LAN ethernet port. I have port 4 specified to WAN and can get internet traffic via the LAN and WIFI but it wont connect to the VPN.
How do i force the VPN to fire on the ethernet WAN interface. VPN is fine on cellular just not on ethernet WAN.
I have the priority set to ethernet LAN as primary and there is not SIM in it so it wont try cellular.
What am I missing? the openvpn server doesnt even seem to be seeing any traffic/atempting vpn connection. Verbose logging on the VPN for the MP70 doesnt shed any light.
Any ideas appreciated, i ma new to MP70’s so hope I am not missing obvious.
Hi @josh.stevens
Welcome you to our community
In order to troubleshoot the issue, please share with me some information as below:
What firmware version is your MP70 running?
Has this issue happened before? Or is this the first time?
Can you try on another MP70 Airlink to see if get the same issue?
Please try on another device (Example: your PC) with same LAN network as your MP70 to see if same issue?
Could you please share your configuration template file and log file on your MP70 for analysis?
5.1. The configuration template file is in ACEmanager → Template, provide any name you desire for the Template Name, and then press Download to retrieve the template file.
5.2 Collect logs procedure:
a. Go AceManager > Admin > Configure Logging
Set all log levels to DEFAULT (NOTICE)
Set Linux Syslog to DISPLAY
b. Reboot the gateway.
c. Perform your test again.
d. Go Admin → View log → Download Logs