I’ve been trying to run CMUX on UART1 of the modem, using AT commands from external uC. I’m porting solution, that was running fine on HL7692. Modem was starting, then AT+CMUX=0,0,5,512, configure channels (send SABM, receive UA etc. ) and from then start sending commands using CMUX protocol.
But on this modem, I’ve found, that before AT+CMUX there is also AT!MUXMODE=1 needed to enable it and then modem needs to be reset. The problem is, after it resets, it no longer responds to regular AT commands (not encapsuled in GSM 07.10 protocol). Therefore, I can’t use AT+CMUX. And as far as I know, I also can’t open logical channels with SABM before AT+CMUX=0 to start it.
Is there something I’m missing here? Anyone managed to make it work? Thanks for your help!