i have gsm modem wavecom M1306B, because my computer havent serial port, i use Bafo BF810(USB To Serial Adapter). i have configure bits per second=8 115.200 bps, data bits=8,parity=none, flow control=hardware in Prolific USB to Serial Comm port(BF810 Driver). when i try to connect in hyper terminal, nothing character is displayed (i have configure the correct port, bits per second=8 115.200 bps, data bits=8,parity=none, flow control=hardware)in hyper terminal properties). in modem led on permanent.
my answer is probably too late, but did you try setting flow control to none?
i download dwl files to modem with flow control set to none at 115200
hope you solved your problem
For reference: Some usb-to-serial convertors do not use all RS232 pins. Choose one, which explicitly states that it is using all the pins, and provides a genunie replacement for a serial port. The ones not using all the pins do not work (I also have a laptop without serial port and working without problems)
They can be made to work by adding an adaptor cable that “loops-back” CTS to RTS:
9-Way D-Type 9-Way D-Type
to Modem Adaptor from USB adaptor
(female contacts) Cable (male contacts)
TXD in <-------( 3 =--------( =----< TXD out
RXD out >-------( 2 =--------( =----> RXD in
CTS out >-------( 8 =--+
RTS in <-------( 7 =--+
GND ------------( 5 =--------( =----- GND
You might also want to loop-back DTR to DSR:
DSR out >-------( 6 =--+
DTR in <-------( 4 =--+
Of course, you no longer have any hardware flow control…!