Upgrate FSU firmware from 6.63 to 7.3


Yep - don’t forget you’ll have to log in with your Developer Username/Password to download it.

But - my distributor recommended not to use this method - but to use the DWLWin method. More reliable apparently.

ciao, Dave


Just a question, in the upgrade documentation for v7.3a release notes, if using
X-modem, you have to download first a file quote “downloader named dwl.dwl”
and it states that you then should download via X-modem R73a00_full_<wirelessCPU_Type>.dwl

That’s fine, except where O where do you find “downloader named dwl.dwl”
and the upgrade file I have downloaded from the wavecom site is R73a00-cus-<wirelessCPU_Type>.wpk
where <wirelessCPU_Type> = q26, the same as the FSU that I am using…

Any pointers on how to do, what is a simple upgrade, would be VERY welcom


Frustrated from Tunbridgewells