upgrading firmware of dev kit HL8548


i have problem for upgrading firmware
i have an old PC (xp64), so i dont have any usb connection
as suggested by other post, i created a .ini to upgrade via RS232

but i have a strange error message :

Log file is “C:\DOCUME~1\PATRIC~1.IDE\LOCALS~1\Temp\HL8FW_r4251.log”
Reading INI file “C:\Documents and Settings\patrice.IDEA2\Application Data\HL85xx_download.ini”…
Use Port: COM4
Use Baud: 115200

Intel Command Line FlashTool v.1.37 1.3-r33 (Download Library v.4.140,0.0 )

psi.fls (PSI) (NAND)
slb.fls (SLB) (NAND)
AENEAS_FW.fls (Code) (NAND)
SAM_6260.fls (Code) (NAND)
SAM_6260-MSY.fls (Code) (NAND)
SAM_6260-CDS.fls (Code) (NAND)
Booting ‘C:\DOCUME~1\PATRIC~1.IDE\LOCALS~1\Temp\7zS2180.tmp\temp\psi.fls’, memclass: PSI
→ Please reboot your phone device ←

Warning: Chip mismatch. HW is [None] SW expects [XG626]
Device synchronized.
Warning: Chip mismatch. HW is [None] SW expects [XG626]
Device synchronized.
Warning: Chip mismatch. HW is [None] SW expects [XG626]

… and line repeat like that hundred of times :frowning:


What file are you trying to download?




I 'm trying RHL85xx.

it spawn the cmd line :

entry.bat HL8FW_r4251 HL85xx_download.ini --erase-mode 0 psi.fls slb.fls AENEAS_FW.fls SAM_6260.fls SAM_6260-MSY.fls SAM_6260-CDS.fls 2>&1 | tee HL8FW_r4251.log

Hi, I’ve exactly the same problem. I want to downgrade from [RGL8200.] to [RGL8200.] because my system can’t connect with devices with new firmware when starts ppp protocol.

I’m using GL8200 with RS232 and finally I solved this problem opening first the .EXE file and then make a HW reboot when the line “-> Please reboot your phone device <-” appears. (Just take out/in the power cable)