I have a problem with Uart2 on Q268H with Open AT 4.21.01 and Firmware 663(at+cgmr->663_09gg.Q2686H 1955080 080207 16:01)
When in Terminal Emulator I open UART2 with AT+wmfm=0,1,2 in target Monitoring tools I receve infinite message [size=85]Trace DEV 1 Unable to find the string of the remote trace in the file (ID = 12036)[/size], and then the debug process is impossible.
On Uart2 is connected a gps chip and if I download firmware to read data at 9600bps on Uart2, this firmware is perfect the gps string is read correctly.
My problem is in debug RTE that is impossible with infinite message Trace DEV 1…, but if I close the uart2 with AT+Wmfm=0,0,2 the message stop, and the debugger is possible ?
Help me…